Consulting Services

Baily Raabe & Associates provides independent risk management consulting services to all industries including manufacturing, construction, non-profit, healthcare, education, government, real estate, service, and others.  All work is performed on a fee basis and no commissions, contingencies, or other types of compensation are accepted.



A large contractor renewed with the same insurance carrier and broker for many years.   Baily Raabe was hired to manage the RFP process utilizing several brokers.  The results were extraordinary as the premium was reduced by 40%.  Changing market conditions  and the competition between carriers/brokers were the main reasons for the savings.


Case Study #2        POLICY REVIEW

After many years of renewing their program, year after year providing updated information as requested, an educational institution retained Baily Raabe to conduct a Policy Review.  A number of very critical coverages that could have resulted in significant financial hardship were uncovered after  reviewing the operations .  One notable exclusion  was for injuries  to any referee, coach, or participant in any athletic competition.